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Ultimo numero Maggio-Giugno 2024

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    “The young generation needs me; this is why I’m alive” - Interview with Holocaust Survivor Sami Modiano

    Di Loren Raccah

    Interviewing Sami Modiano is a profound and emotional experience. His kind eyes and determined voice tell the story of a boy, who together with his father Jacob and sister Lucia, was deported from the island of Rhodes to the Auschwitz- Birkenau extermination camp in 1944. He is the only survivor of his family and one of the very few from…


    Rav Dov Izhak Freilich, the rabbi who helped rebuild the Jewish community of Rome

    Di Donato Moscati

    "The day he was released from Bergen-Belsen was a Friday, it was close to the start of Shabbat and it was four years since my grandfather had been able to celebrate it." Elie Lowy, grandson of Rav Dov Izhak Freilich, is betrayed by emotion as he tells of the moment of regained freedom and the moment when his grandfather was…


    The ''Museum Shop'' is born, the e-commerce of the Museo Ebraico di Rome. All the beauty of the collection just a click away

    Di Michelle Zarfati

    The "Museum Shop" is born, the e-commerce of the Jewish Museum of Rome. 55 items made by the best Italian craftsmen, in materials ranging from silver to Murano glass and ceramics. Particular design objects that do not sacrifice the beauty of the classic. An idea that arose from the need to deliver the beauties of the collection displayed at the Museo…


    Adriana Ottolenghi the secrets of kosher goose salami and Krumiri

    Di Claudia De Benedetti

    Adriana Ottolenghi is very serious about making people happy through her food. Looking at her dishes, and tasting is a delicious experience, familiar and comforting. The taste is surprising, lip smacking, simple. Adriana turned 86 last week, however she still uses to cook all the food that she, her family and friends delight in. All ancient recipes make her proud…


    The fabrics of the mappot of the Jewish Museum of Rome: styles and techniques

    Di Doretta Davanzo Poli

    The Jewish textile heritage of Rome is one of the most precious, glorious and best preserved to see and study, and the Jewish Museum of Rome, which houses this precious collection, is one of the richest and best-equipped Jewish museums of Europe. For those who love and study textile art (a very large branch of the applied arts which includes, not…


    Notes on the rescue from German looting or the ritual objects of the Israelite Community of Rome (November 27, 1943 and January 10, 1944)

    Di Ariela Piattelli

    The rescue of the treasure of the Major Temple of Rome from the Nazis: chronicle of a protagonist, the President of the Jewish Community of Rome, Ugo Foà First, it should be understood that the category "Ritual Objects" includes in this case the silver and textiles of Tempio Maggiore and the silver of the Via Balbo Oratory, as well as the Sacred…


    Poland snubs Holocaust victims

    Di Otmar Lahodynsky

    A new law is making the return of assets seized from Jewish ownership more difficult. Poland is the only EU country that has never offered any compensation for private assets seized by the state. The only exception is the property of Jewish communities – namely synagogues or graveyards.However, there has never been any fair legal regulation regarding the property of three…


    “The Golden Age” - The Roman Ketubah in the Eighteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century

    Di Shalom Sabar

    In the course of the eighteenth century, Roman ketubot reached the height of their artistic efflorescence. It was in this period that local folk artists invested great efforts to create attractive ketubot, which are marked by their own characteristic style and distinctive selection of motifs. The result is that they are readily identifiable and resemble no other Italian ketubot. Moreover,…


    “The Golden Age” - The Roman Ketubah in the Eighteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century

    Di Generale Vero Fazio

    In the course of the eighteenth century, Roman ketubot reached the height of their artistic efflorescence. It was in this period that local folk artists invested great efforts to create attractive ketubot, which are marked by their own characteristic style and distinctive selection of motifs. The result is that they are readily identifiable and resemble no other Italian ketubot. Moreover,…


    The plague of 1630-1631: how the Jews of Padua defeated ‘black death’

    Di Rebecca Locci

    The epidemic of bubonic plague that struck northern Italy in 1630-1631 is known as one of the most violent of the modern age. It was Sukkot of the year 5391 when it hit the Jewish ghetto of Padua—one of Italy’s most ancient cities and the most ancient of all the Veneto region—and exacted a terrible toll from the Jewish community. Preventive…